
Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Year of Grace

For the first time in an exceptionally long time, I'm in control of my life. Kids, I cannot put into words how good that feels.

I've taken to calling this the Year of Grace because, goshdarnit, this is going to be my year. Come hell or high-water, I am going to enjoy 2013 because I say so. I'm finally beginning the process of transforming from victim to survivor. I'm ready to stop letting my past define my present and future. I'm ready to be me.

What will the Year of Grace entail, you ask?

I can tell you that there will be a lot of resisting the temptation to get my hair cut short again. Yes, this will be the year I finally grow my hair back out. I may even consider going back to my natural color, but let's be real-- changing up my hair color is one of the most fun things I do.

There will be a lot of studying and learning. I'd really like to settle on a major this year so I know what I'm doing with my life. I feel like I should probably get serious about this growing up business.

There will also be some money-earning. Besides babysitting and helping my dad with his software company, I have never been gainfully employed. That's really embarrassing to admit, but my health hasn't always allowed me the option of working. In light of finally having resources to get that stuff under control, I'm confident a job is in my cards this year.

As well as getting my driver's license. That's even more embarrassing, but it was delayed for the same reason a job was. I'm ready to check driving off my list of to-do's.

There will be healthy food and more exercise. College sent me into a downward spiral when it comes to nutrition, but I really really really need to get that under control. And I will. This year. I hope. Probably.

My last goal is probably the most embarrassing, so bare with me. I want to learn how to dance. I'm not talking ballet or hip-hop (though that would be nice.) I'm talking about basic social dancing. I am probably the whitest person you will ever encounter, and as such, I have little to no ability to move gracefully. My idea of dancing is jumping up and down and moving my arms. You're probably thinking that there's no way I suck as badly as I think I do, but believe me, there is.

So yeah, that's what up. Happy New Year!


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