
Wednesday, May 15, 2013


It's been a long time, and for that I apologize.

What you have to understand is that my life has been in a near constant state of turmoil and I am just now getting back into a "normal" routine. So I guess it's time for a lightning round of...

What the Heck I've Been Doing this Past Month

1. I took my finals around the middle of April. Finals are awful, but they brought my first year of college to a close, which felt pretty good, I guess.

2. I moved out my my apartment, which was a hellish experience. I hate, hate, hate packing in a way that I can't fully explain without sound effects, facial expressions, and falling on the ground crying. I think that in the two day period between finishing finals and moving out, I said more curse words that I had in my entire life up to that point. I also had to do a top-to-bottom deep-clean of the apartment, which involved spraying more chemicals into small, poorly ventilated spaces than can be healthy.

Highlights, for your amusement: Me, running around the apartment in a bight pink bra and soccer shorts, screaming at my (recently stubbed) toe when my roommates were both still taking finals; Me, crying in my closet because I was sweating too much and it was making me mad; And me, finally walking out if that blasted apartment for the last time, thinking, "I am literally sweating Windex."

3. I moved back home for the next 8 months. It's been a transition, but things are looking good so far. I spent the whole first week sleeping (because MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS), and the second week job-hunting.

4. I got a job at a toy store! I start training tomorrow, so let's all hope that goes well. I've already freaked out a few times and I haven't even started yet... Hmmm...

Anyway, that's just a brief update. I have lots of wonderful posts on deck that should be posting in the next few weeks. Thanks for sticking with me! I love you guys!